> Joan Silvertoppé's
SCA Resumé > Classes - Competitions

Classes Taught
[to class handouts]
Kingdom of Caid
- Hand Embroidery Salon, Great Western War, Oct 2014. (no handout)
- Make & Take your own Tudor coif, Great Western War, Oct. 2013
- Demo on Natural Dyes, War of the Roses Red & Black, Great Western
War, Oct. 2013
- Build Your Own Tudor
workshop, with Baroness Ceara, Gyldenholt area:
- Kirtles, July 21, 2013
- Smocks, June 30, 2013
- Overcoming the Sleevil, Collegium Caidis 2013
- 16th Century Kirtles, Great Western War 2012
- What the Tudor Women Really Wore, Collegium Caidis 2010
- What the Tudor Men Really Wore, Collegium Caidis 2010
Nordwache, Barony of
- Long & Short Embroidery, Nordwache Academia, August 2014
- Research: Quality of Sources, Nordwache Academia, August 2014
- Basic Embroidery, Nordwache, Treasure Chest, April 2013
- Documentation, Nordwache workshop, January 2013
- Basic Embroidery, Nordwache Academia, August 2012
- Documentation, Nordwache Academia, August 2012
- Fitting a Gothic Fitted Dress pattern, Nordwache A&S, March 2012
- Decorating Your Garb, Nordwache Academia, August 2011
- Pentathalon Roundtable Discussion, Nordwache Academia, August 2011
- Blogging Your A&S to the World, Nordwache Academia, August 2011
- Blackwork 101, Nordwache Academia, August 2010
- Rectangular Costume Patterning, Nordwache Academia, August 2008
- Basic Hand Sewing, Nordwache Academia, August 2008
- Thread Buttons & Closures, Nordwache Academia, August 2007
[to Top of Page]
Elsewhere in the Kingdom of Caid:
- 1st Place, Illuminated Initial for a kingdom scroll, Wintermist Day
of Games, June 29, 2013.
- 2nd Place, First Attempt Competition with Bobbin Lace entry, Caid's
Festival of the Rose, February 10, 2013
- Queen's Arts & Sciences Champion (Queen Cassandra Paganel) with
Silk & Goldwork entry,
Caid's Festival of the Rose, February 11, 2012
Barony of Nordwache
- Winner, A&S Contest on "Embellishments", English
Bonnet & Frontlet, Treasure Chest, April 2013.
- 1st place, Bi-monthly Baronial A&S Competition, Blue
Phoenix Or nué embroidery, April 2013
- 1st place, Bi-monthly Baronial A&S Competition, Sewing Kit with
basket entry, December 2012
Caidian Arts and Sciences and Pentathlon 2011
[to Pentathalon Entry pdfs]
- 1st Place Journeyman, Fiber Arts: Costume Construction
- 1st Place Journeyman, Fiber Arts: Needlework: Counted Thread Work
- 1st Place Apprentice, Visual Arts: Illumination
- 1st Place Apprentice, Culinary Arts: Preserves
Last updated: June 24, 2015.
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