French Hood Images

Detail view of Memorial to Arthor Babham

Memorial to Arthor Babham, Detail, Holy Trinity Church, Cookham, Berkshire. Arthor Babham died April 6, 1561. This monument was erected by his wife sometime after his death.

It is the ladies to the right of this image that is of interest to me. Arthor's wife was Alice, daughter of "Sir Iohn Brome". Her daughters were (from left to right) "Elizabeth, Colvbree, and Ellynerre". There is an unnamed man hidden next to Ellynerre.

Image from Eric Hardy's Photostream [Photo] Retrieved January 9, 2007 from the World Wide Web. Part of his Berkshire Churches set. URL:

Thank you to Laren, known in the SCA as Jane Stockton, for noting this image in her blog, 16th Century English Clothing.

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