> Scriptor Arts Folium
> AoA William de Rouen

Started: April 20, 2008
Finished: October 22, 2009
is my first award work as a scribe in our Kingdom, and it isn't too bad.
I was given encouragement from Mistress Aliskye and Mistress Maeb to
begin my first award scroll, for a man who has waited a long time to receive
this scroll.
The original is based on a page from The Hours of Mary of Burgundy, c.
1477 (Cod. 1857, fol. 152r). This original was relatively simple, but
provided plenty of room for the many words of the award. It had some pen
flourishes that I had no idea how to replicate, but not making them provided
the needed space for the required Kingdom seals.
The scanned images of my recreation do not include the full area of the
scroll, since much of it is empty space. The seals area will be directly
below the areas shown, as seen in the final image. The final image is
a photo taken by Mistress Aliskye during Caid's Coronation in November,